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Tupholme Hall
Tupholme Hall
Tupholme Hall

This house, the first home of the Vyners in Lincolnshire, was completed sometime before 1726.

The estate was sold by the Vyners shortly after the First World War and, despite strong attempts to save the house, it was demolished in 1984.

Photograph 1980

Tupholme, Hall, Vyner
Tupholme, Abbey
Tupholme, Abbey
Tupholme, Abbey

The Premonstratensian abbey of Tupholme was founded in the 12th century.

Still standing is this 13th century south wall of the refectory, with the windows of the undercroft below.

Built into the wall towards its eastern end is a reader's pulpit.

Frank Robinson, 2010

Tupholme, abbey, premonstatensian, refectory, undercroft,