

Booksales, Indexes and Out of Print Publications

Lists of new and secondhand books for sale are given here. These are Lincolnshire titles and also sought-after books on history and archaeology.

Click for details --- Grantham to Lincoln by Rail
Grantham to Lincoln by Rail
Downloads : Aspects of Lincolnshire's Heritage
Grantham to Lincoln by Rail
Click here to take a journey on the Great Northern Line from Grantham to Lincoln via Honington Junction. This PowerPoint show, presented by Stewart Squires, shows the old stations and some of the traffic that used this line in its 98-year history.
A PowerPoint show
Click for details --- Sleaford Historian
Sleaford Historian
Downloads : Aspects of Lincolnshire's Heritage
Sleaford Historian

The Sleaford Historian is a monthly news and information sheet published by the Sleaford Group of SLHA. It also includes short articles and book reviews, especially those relating to the south-west area of Lincolnshire.

Download copies of the Sleaford Historian (pdf files). Detailed indexes are available for 1994-2013 and 2014-2018. There is also a less detailed but chronological index available.

1994 September - December


1995 January - May


1995 June - November


1996 January - June

1996 July - December

1997 January - June

1997 July - December

1998 January - June

1998 July - December

1999 January - May

1999 June - December

2009 January - May

2009 July - December

2010 January - April

2010 June - December


2012 February - June

2012 July - December

2013 January - June

2013 July - December

2014 January - June

2014 July - December

2015 January - June

2015 July - December

2016 January - June

2016 July - December

2017 January - June

2017 July - December


2018 January - June


2018 July - December

Monthly from 1994
Newsletter of the Sleaford Group
Click for details --- Dissertations and Theses on Lincolnshire Research Subjects (up to 1990)
Dissertations and Theses on Lincolnshire Research Subjects (up to 1990)
Downloads : Aspects of Lincolnshire's Heritage
Dissertations and Theses on Lincolnshire Research Subjects (up to 1990)

Students of Lincolnshire's history and topography have John Ketteringham to thank for the detailed record he made in the 1990s of over 350 academic studies relating to the county.

Some are first degree dissertations; the majority were written for a master's or PhD. The period of writing covers much of the 20th century. Included are many studies relating to Tennyson and Wesley.

Download a copy of this index (pdf file 1.08MB).

A comprehensive list of articles about Lincoln Cathedral (also compiled by Dr Ketteringham) can be viewed on the website of The Friends of Lincoln Cathedral.

Compiled by John Ketteringham
Click for details --- Index to SLHA Newsletters (1974-1990)
Index to SLHA Newsletters (1974-1990)
Downloads : Aspects of Lincolnshire's Heritage
Index to SLHA Newsletters (1974-1990)

Quarterly Newsletters were published by SLHA from 1974 (the year the new society was established) until the launch of Lincolnshire Past and Present in 1990.

This index to the short articles contained in the newsletters was compiled by John Ketteringham.

Download a copy of this index (pdf file 61KB)

Compiled by John Ketteringham
Click for details --- Index to Lost Country Houses (6 volumes) and Lincolnshire Houses and their Families (2 parts)
Index to Lost Country Houses (6 volumes) and Lincolnshire Houses and their Families (2 parts)
Downloads : Aspects of Lincolnshire's Heritage
Index to Lost Country Houses (6 volumes) and Lincolnshire Houses and their Families (2 parts)

Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Lost Lincolnshire Country Houses were written jointly by Terence Leach and Robert Pacey between 1990 and 1992. Following the death of Terence Leach in 1994, Volumes 5 and 6 (which completed the publishing project) were written alone by Robert Pacey.

Terence was unable to complete a parallel account of Lincolnshire Houses and their Families, but two substantial volumes in this series have been published.

These books give an exceptionally detailed and useful record of Lincolnshire houses and the families who lived in them. They are illustrated by many photographs and plans.

All eight books are available from SLHA, Jews' Court, 2/3 Steep Hill, Lincoln, LN2 1LS.

This comprehensive index, compiled by Elaine Thurgood, includes references to all the family names and to over 140 Lincolnshire houses. There is also a handy location map.

Download a copy of this index (pdf file 620KB).

Compiled by Elaine Thurgood
Click for details --- Form for reporting Incomplete Fieldwork
Form for reporting Incomplete Fieldwork
Downloads : Aspects of Lincolnshire's Heritage
Form for reporting Incomplete Fieldwork

Members of SLHA are sometimes involved in fieldwork which, for one reason or another, does not get completed, written up and deposited in a suitable library or archive. There is concern that valuable descriptions, measurements, drawings and photographs of Lincolnshire sites and buildings may be lost.

As a first step, members - and any other individuals involved in similar work in Lincolnshire - are asked to let the society know about uncompleted fieldwork they have been involved in by filling in and returning a copy of the Fieldwork Report (one per project). If circumstances make it impossible to provide all the information required, a partially completed form or even a simple note of the project theme and location would alert the society to the existence of the material.

Completed reports which have not been deposited should also be sent to Jews' Court. The format may be paper or digital. Sets of photographs with descriptive captions would also be acceptable.

The society intends to deposit copies of fieldwork reports in both local and national archives where long term conservation and accessibility can be guaranteed.

Download a copy of the fieldwork report (pdf file 7KB)

Click for details --- The People of Steep Hill, Lincoln, 1900
The People of Steep Hill, Lincoln, 1900
Downloads : Aspects of Lincolnshire's Heritage
The People of Steep Hill, Lincoln, 1900

This is the full text of Dennis Mills's book The People of the Steep Hill area of Lincoln about 1900, an illustrated social study first published in 2005.

It has been revised and updated for this electronic version.

Download a copy of this book (pdf file 3.5MB)

Book by Dennis Mills